This page lists all user modifiable configurations in the input file INFILE.yaml.
Let's go over what each variable means.
Initial Agents
initial_agents: 20
The initial_agents are the agents you will have at the start of the simulation. In the above case, this value is 20.
Max Agents
max_agents: 100001
This is the maximum number of users that are permitted in the simulation. Once this number is reached, the number of agents in the network will no longer increase. In this case we can see the value is 100001.
Max Time
max_time: hour
This variable refers to the maximum simulated time in minutes for the simulation to run. You may also describe time as 'minute', 'hour', 'day', or 'year', multiplied by a constant, or each other, and #k@ will convert the value to minutes (e.g. 3 days can be input as 3*day, which is equal to 4,320 minutes).
Note: interacting with the network simulation DOES NOT affect simulated time elapsed.
Max Analysis Steps
max_analysis_steps: unlimited
This is the maximum number of loops undertaken in the the simulation. To achieve the most accurate results possible, it is recommended to keep this value at unlimited.
Max Real Time
max_real_time: hour
This sets the maximum actual time you will permit the simulation to run. This time is in seconds, and may be input in the same way as 'max_time' above. Once actual time has elapsed, the simulation ends.
Note: interacting with the network simulation during the run DOES affect real time elapsed.
Enable Interactive Mode
enable_interactive_mode: true
If 'true', the user may interact with the simulation while it is running, while 'false' prevents interaction.
Enable Lua Hooks
enable_lua_hooks: false
If set to 'true', runtime Lua functions are enabled that can react to events such as a 'tweet', 'retweet', or 'follow'.
Note: setting this to 'true' will slow down the simulation immensely.
Lua Script
lua_script: INTERACT.lua
'lua_script' contains all the script for interactive mode. It is highly recommended to keep this variable as 'INTERACT.lua', since that is the default Lua script in the #k@ directory.
Use Barabasi
use_barabasi: false
A setting of 'false' allows agents in the simulation to 'follow' as many other agents as the simulation allows. If this variable is set to 'true', the user may impose a maximum number of connections in barabasi_connections below.
Barabasi Connections
barabasi_connections: 100
Note: if use_barabasi is set to 'true', the number of follows an agent may make in a network simulation is limited to the value given.
For a Classic Barabasi configuration, set this value equal to 1.
For a Non-Classic Barabasi configuration, set this value greater than 1.
Barabasi Exponent
barabasi_exponent: 1
The value assigned to the exponent of every agent's cumulative_degree within the network.
Use Random Time Increment
use_random_time_increment: true
If set to 'true' time increases in random increments modelled by the KMC loop. An input of 'false' makes time increase by a constant value. A setting of 'true' generally gives more refined results.
Use Followback
use_followback: true
If set to 'true', agents are permitted to follow agents who follow them.
Use Follow via Retweets
use_follow_via_retweets: true
Input 'true' into use_follow_via_retweets to allow Agent C to follow Agent A based on Agent C receiving a retweet of Agent A's tweet from Agent B. The probability that Agent C will follow Agent A is directly proportional to how popular Agent A is.
Follow Model
follow_model: random
The options for follow model are: random, twitter_suggest, agent, preferential_agent, hashtag, and twitter.
The follow model determines how agents chose whom to follow and will have a significant effect on the outcome of your simulation.
A random follow model will result in an agent following another at random. A twitter_suggest follow model will result in an agent following another based on how popular the other is. The agent follow model will have agents follow agents of a certain type. Within that type, following is at random. The preferential_agent follow model will have agents follow agents of a certain type. Within that type, following is based on the popularity of the agent. The hashtag model will have agents follow based upon hashtags that suit their interests. The twitter model is a combination of the five other models (see Model Weights below).
Model Weights
{random: 0.20, twitter_suggest: 0.20, agent: 0.20, preferential_agent: 0.20, hashtag: 0.20}
This variable is relevant when using the twitter follow model, which is a combination of all the other follow models. This variable allows weighting of each follow model in the simulation, to a maximum combined weight of 1.0.
Stage1 Unfollow
stage1_unfollow: false
Inputting 'true' enables agents to 'unfollow' agents that have a tweet rate double the average tweet rate of the other agents followed by the agent. In other words, this variable allows Agent B to deliberately unfollow Agent A for 'chattiness', where 'chattiness' is defined as exceeding a relative average tweet rate, calculated based on the sub-set of agents that Agent B follows.
Inputting 'false' prevents an agent from unfollowing for 'chattiness'.
Unfollow Tweet Rate
unfollow_tweet_rate: 10
The unfollow_tweet_rate describes a constant tweet rate that, if exceeded by the tweeter, Agent A, will cause the Agent A to randomly lose a follower.
To prevent this, set the unfollow_tweet_rate much greater than the typical agent 'tweet_rate' in the simulation.
Use Hashtag Probability
use_hashtag_probability: 1
The probability of a tweet containing a hashtag(#) may range from 0 to 1. Hashtags enable agents with the hashtag follow model enabled to follow new agents unconnected to their network.
The 'add' rate is the rate at which new agents will be added per minute during the simulation. This function can be constant or linear.
rates: add: {function: constant, value: 0.0}
For a constant 'add' rate, the function must be identified as constant and the number of agents you wish to add per simulated minute is the 'value'. This number can zero or greater. Although described as constant this function describes a rate. A zero rate would not add agents during the simulation.
rates: add: {function: linear, y_intercept: 1.0, slope: 0.1}
For a linear 'add' function, the slope and y-intercept must be specified. The classic linear function is y = ax + b, where 'a' is the slope, 'x' the variable, and 'b' the y-intercept.
In #k@, the 'y_intercept' is the initial rate at which agents are added (the 'value' of the constant function above). The 'slope' is the rate at which the 'add' rate increases over time, where time ('x') is in simulated months.
The 'follow' and 'retweet' rates work in the same manner.
This section describes how to initialize your Output settings in the INFILE.yaml. Initially it is recommended to set all these variables to 'true'. With more experience, unnecessary output variables can be set to 'false'.
The information received as Output is further discussed in the Output tab of the documentation.
Save Network on Timeout
save_network_on_timeout: true
If 'true', all of the simulated network data will be stored in the save_file outlined below should a timeout occur.
Load Network on Startup
load_network_on_startup: true
If 'true', all of the data stored in the save_file will be loaded when the network simulation recommences, and the simulation will continue. If 'false', the simulation will simply restart from the beginning.
Ignore Load Config Check
ignore_load_config_check: true
If 'true', allows you to load a network from the save_file and continue the simulation using an input file with different parameters. Setting this to 'false' will prevent you from doing this.
Save File
save_file: network_state.dat
Determines the name of the file where the simulated data will be saved to.
Stdout Basic
stdout_basic: true
If 'true', when a network simulation is stopped or completed, a message will print to the screen. If the simulation ends, the message will state why the simulation ended, that analysis files are being created, and that analysis can be aborted by pressing Ctrl-c multiple times. If the analysis files have been created, the message will state the analysis is complete.
Stdout Summary
stdout_summary: true
If 'true', the length of simulated time (in simulated minutes), the number of agents, 'follows', 'tweets', 'retweets', and 'unfollows', the cumulative rate function R, and the real time elapsed in seconds during the simulation will be displayed on the screen throughout the simulation's run. This information is updated at a rate determined by the summary_output_rate described below.
Summary Output Rate
summary_output_rate: 100
This defines how often the stdout_summary information will be updated on screen during a simulation. The value is based on the loops in the KMC. In this case, we can see that information will update every hundred loops or steps.
visualize: true
If 'true', the simulation will output two additional output files, network.dat and network.gexf. The file network.dat shows every individual follower each agent has. The file network.gexf can be used to visualize simulated networks with third party programs such as Gephi.
Agent Stats
agent_stats: true
If 'true', the simulation will produce additional output files for each 'agent type' within the simulation, as agenttype_info.dat (i.e. a 'Standard' agent type will result in the file Standard_info.dat).
Degree Distributions
degree_distributions: true
If 'true', the 'in-degree', 'out-degree', and 'cumulative-degree' distributions will be output with a file for each simulated month. In the case of the zeroth month, the 'in-degree' file would be called in-degree_distribution_month_000.dat.
Tweet Analysis
tweet_analysis: true
Setting to 'true' creates two output files, tweets_distro.dat and retweets_distro.dat, which contain the distributions for the tweets and retweets that agents have made in the network simulation.
Retweet Visualization
retweet_visualization: true
If 'true', the network simulation will produce an output file titled retweet_viz.gexf, which can be used to visualize the most popular tweet (most 'retweeted') in third party programs such as Gephi.
Main Statistics
main_statistics: true
Setting to 'true' creates the main_stats.dat output file, which contains all principal information from a given simulation.
Degree Distribution by Follow Model
degree_distribution_by_follow_model: true
If 'true', creates the dd_by_follow_model.dat output file which shows the normalized probability and the normalized probability logarithm that an agent of a particular cumulative-degree made its connections via each particular follow method.
Region Connection Matrix
region_connection_matrix: true
Setting to 'true' creates the region_connection_matrix.dat output file, which contains a chart showing the connections made between regions.
Categories Distribution
categories_distro: true
If 'true', creates the Categories_Distro.dat output file, which shows how many agents have made a certain number of tweets and retweets and how many agents have a particular number of followers.
Most Popular Tweet Content
most_popular_tweet_content: true
Setting to 'true' creates the most_popular_tweet_content.dat output file, which contains details on the most retweeted tweet and its author.
This section details how agents may be ranked according to their number of tweets, retweets, and number of followers.
Tweet Ranks
tweet_ranks: thresholds: {bin_spacing: linear, min: 10, max: 300, increment: 10}
Serves as a way to categorize agents by their number of tweets. The 'bin_spacing' may be linear, quadratic, or cubic, which means that bins can be spaced by the 'increment' raised to the power of 1, 2, or 3 respectively. The tweet_ranks can also be set with a minimum, maximum, and increment value.
In the above case, with tweeting enabled, agents with 10 or less tweets will be stored on a list in the initial bin. If some of these agents continue to tweet, and end up having a total number of tweets greater than 10 but less than 20, they will move to the next bin. Agents can keep moving bins until they have made (in this case) 291 tweets, since they will be placed in the final bin where agents with 300 or less tweets are placed and remain there. If tweeting is disabled, the number of agents in each tweet rank wll be listed as zero.
Retweet Ranks
retweet_ranks: thresholds: {bin_spacing: linear, min: 10, max: 300, increment: 10}
Similarly, this case categorizes agents based on their number of retweets.
Follow Ranks
thresholds: {bin_spacing: linear, min: 0, max: 100001, increment: 1}
weights: {bin_spacing: linear, min: 1, max: 100000, increment: 1}
This rank serves to categorize agents based on the number of followers they have. However the bins are weighted. Here the bins have a weight equal to its corresponding value increased by 1 (assuming the 'bin_spacing' is 'linear' and 'increment' is 1).
The weights are essential in the twitter_suggest (combination) and preferential_agent follow models, since they are what cause agents with a higher 'in-degree' (number of followers) to have a better chance of being followed than agents with fewer followers.
Tweet Observations
Tweets lose relevance over time, to the point where they will no longer be retweeted. This section deals with the decay function for retweet rates.
Density Function
density_function: 2.45 / (x)**1.1
This is the function which describes how retweet rates decay over time. This function is integrated and each discrete element is divided by the total integral to normalize the function and ensure that it truly is a probability density function. Agents that can still be retweeted are binned according to the values determined by this function. As time progresses, they are moved to bins of smaller retweet rates. The discrete elements of this function can be adjusted below.
x_start: 5
This is the initial value of the density function. Make sure that the value you choose for x does not cause a discontinuity (e.g. using x = 0 would cause the above density function to be divided by 0, causing a discontinuity).
x_end: 600
This is the final value of the density function. Make sure that this value does not cause a discontinuity in the function.
Initial Resolution
initial_resolution: 1.0
Determines the initial boundary spacing for integration of the density function. For example, here we have 'initial resolution' equal to 1.0 and 'x_start' equal to 5, so we could expect the first integral to be bounded from 5 to 6 [5,6]
Resolution Growth Factor
resolution_growth_factor: 1.05
Determines the density function integral boundary spacing after the initial resolution. This has been implemented due to a function resolution needing to be much more accurate during the time immediately after a tweet is tweeted as opposed to some time after this has occurred. If you had an 'initial_resolution' of 1.0, a 'resolution_growth_factor' of 1.05 and an 'x_start' of 5, the integrals would be evaluated at [5,6], [6, 7.05], [7.05, 8.10], etc.
Time Span
time_span: 8*hour
Determines for how long after a tweet has been made that it can be retweeted. Once this simulated time has elapsed, the density function will disappear, allowing no more retweets or following via retweets to occur for this tweet.
Agent Attributes
Agents may be given different attributes such as agent_types, ideology, regions, and preference_class.
In #k@ the number of the attributes are found in the config_static.h file in the src directory:
Language is also an attribute. It is treated an enumerated class, in the same file.
If a greater number of any BIN is desired, the value of the N_BIN file must be changed and #k@ must be rebuilt before the simulation can be run.
To build #k@, run:
./ -O
The values of the attributes are configured through INFILE.yaml.
Ideologies are named after colours in #k@. The names may be changed.
Through INFILE.yaml the simulation may configure 0-4 ideologies.
Note: if you'd like to increase the number of ideologies in the simulation, change the value set in the N_BIN file. If N_BIN is changed, remember to then rebuild #k@ to have these changes take effect.
Preference Classes
The preference classes detail how agents react to tweets in a network simulation.
The four possible types of tweets are: 'plain', 'musical', 'ideological', and 'humorous'.
- name: StandardPref
Standard: 0.5
Celebrity: 1.0
all: 0.0
Standard: 0.3
else: 0.6
Standard: 1.0
Celebrity: 1.0
else: 0.0
Under tweet_transmission one can specify the probability that tweets made by a particular 'agent type' ('Standard', 'Celebrity') will be retweeted based on the content of that tweet. Instead of inserting a particular 'agent type', one can also input 'all' or 'else' for any of the tweet_transmision rates.
Note: if you'd like to increase the number of preference classes in the simulation, change the value set in the N_BIN file. If N_BIN is changed, remember to then rebuild #k@ to have these changes take effect.
#k@ has permits three regions, defined in INFILE.yaml. The names and attributes of the regions may be changed by the user.
- name: Ontario
add_weight: 1
preference_class_weights: {StandardPref: 100, NoRetweetPref: 100}
ideology_weights: {Red: 100, Blue: 100}
language_weights: {English: 50, French: 25, French+English: 25}
A region's add_weight corresponds to the probability that an agent added to the network is from that region, and is weighted with respect to the sum of the add_weights of all the regions.
The preference_class_weights are the possible 'preference classes' agents from that region can have, and are weighted with respect to one another.
The ideology_weights are the possible 'ideologies' agents can have, and are weighted with respect to one another.
The language_weights are the possible 'languages' that an agent from that region can speak, and are weighted with respect to each other.
Note: make sure the number of regions is EXACTLY equal to the value set for N_BIN_REGIONS. You may change the value of the N_BIN, but remember to then rebuild #k@ to have these changes take effect.
Agent Types
Agents are defined as Standard or Celebrity. Standard agents may be further configured as Organizations and Bots each of which have different behavior patterns from the typical Standard agent. As an example, a Celebrity does not typically 'follow back' while an Organization always will.
The specified behavior of each type sets it apart. In a normal build, the user may define from 1 to 200 agent types, although 200 types can be costly in terms of memory.
Note: one may increase the number of agent types in the simulation by increasing the value in the N_BIN, but make sure to then rebuild #k@ for these changes to take effect.
- name: Standard
add: 80
follow: 5
ideological: 1.0
plain: 1.0
musical: 1.0
humorous: 1.0
followback_probability: 0.44
care_about_region: true
care_about_ideology: false
follow: {function: constant, value: 0.1}
tweet: {function: constant, value: 0.01}
Under weights we can see add, which correlates to the probability, weighted against the sum of the add weights of all the agent types, that a new agent added is of this type.
The value input into follow will be the probability, weighted against the follow weights of all the other agent types, that an agent of this type will be the one followed in the agent_follow model when a follow occurs.
Tweet Types
There are four tweet types in #k@. These are plain, political, humorous and musical. The weights of the tweet types are summarized to create a weighted probability of the type of the agent's next tweet. In the above case, each type of tweet has a 1/4 chance of occurring.
The type of tweet is relevant to the dissemination of the tweet. Plain tweets may only have meaning to an agent's followers and may not be retweeted. Political tweets may be relevant only to agents of the same region and language. Humorous tweets may attract followers of the same language in different regions, and the appeal of musical tweets may transcend region and language.
Follow Back Probability
The followback_probability is the probability from 0-1 that following this type of agent will 'follow back' if followed. For a Celebrity this value would be 0, in an Organization this value would be 1.
Note: use_followback must be enabled for 'follow back probability' to have any effect.
Hashtag Follow Options
The hashtag follow options are implemented in the hashtag follow model, where agents follow other agents based on the hashtags present in their tweets. In this follow model, if care_about_region is set to 'true', agents of this type will only follow other agents from the same region. If care_about_ideology is set to 'true', agents will only follow agents that share their ideology.
Note: use_hashtag_probability must not be zero.
The 'follow' and 'tweet' rates are the rates at which agents of this particular agent type will follow and tweet per simulated minute. These work in the same manner (constant or linear) as the 'add' rate in the Rates section at the start of this document.